Design Tips for Small Bathrooms in Units and Apartment Blocks

Designing a small bathroom in a unit or apartment block can be challenging, but with thoughtful planning and smart choices, you can create a functional, stylish, and comfortable space. Here are some key considerations to help you make the most of your small bathroom.

1.Utilise Vertical Space

Shelving and Storage:

  • Install open shelves or cabinets above the toilet or along unused walls to store towels, toiletries, and other essentials.

  • Consider tall, narrow cabinets that reach up to the ceiling to maximize storage without taking up much floor space.

Hooks and Racks:

  • Use wall-mounted hooks and racks for hanging towels and robes, freeing up floor and counter space.

2. Opt for Space-Saving Fixtures

Compact Toilets and Sinks:

  • Choose a compact or wall-mounted toilet to save floor space and create a more open feel.

  • Select a small pedestal sink, wall-mounted sink, or corner sink to free up space and improve traffic flow.

Shower Solutions:

  • Install a corner shower or a frameless glass shower door to make the bathroom feel larger and more open.

  • Consider a walk-in shower with a single glass panel to minimize visual barriers and maximize space.

3. Maximising Light and Reflection


  • Use large mirrors or mirrored cabinets to reflect light and create the illusion of more space.

  • Consider a full-length mirror on one wall to enhance the feeling of openness.


  • Install bright, even lighting with a mix of task and ambient lights to make the bathroom feel airy and spacious.

  • Use recessed lighting or wall-mounted sconces to free up ceiling and wall space.

4. Choose Light Colour Reflective Surfaces

Color Scheme:

  • Opt for light, neutral colours like white, beige, or pastel shades to make the space feel larger and more open.

  • Use a consistent colour scheme throughout the bathroom to create a cohesive look.

Reflective Materials:

  • Incorporate glossy or reflective surfaces, such as glass tiles, polished stone, or glossy paint, to enhance the sense of space.

5. Select Functional and Stylish Accessories

Minimalist Design:

  • Keep accessories to a minimum to avoid clutter. Choose sleek, modern fixtures and fittings that complement the overall design.

  • Use built-in soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, and other accessories to save counter space.

Multipurpose Items:

  • Opt for multipurpose items like a mirror with built-in storage or a vanity with an integrated laundry hamper to maximize functionality.

6. Optimise Layout and Flow

Efficient Layout:

  • Plan the layout carefully to ensure efficient use of space. Place the toilet, sink, and shower in a way that allows for easy movement and access.

  • Consider sliding doors or pocket doors to save space compared to traditional swinging doors.

Clear Pathways:

  • Keep the central area of the bathroom clear to allow for easy movement. Avoid placing obstacles in high-traffic areas.

7. Incorporate Cleve Storage Solutions

Built-in Niches:

  • Install built-in niches in the shower or above the bathtub for storing shampoo, soap, and other toiletries.

  • Use recessed shelves or cabinets to store items without taking up valuable floor space.

Furniture with Storage:

  • Choose vanities and cabinets with built-in storage to keep the bathroom organized and clutter-free.

  • Consider using a storage ladder or a tiered cart for additional storage that can be easily moved or adjusted as needed.

8. Think Long-Term


  • Choose durable materials that are easy to clean and maintain. High-quality fixtures and fittings will last longer and require less maintenance.


  • Consider the long-term usability of the bathroom. Opt for universal design principles, such as installing grab bars, non-slip flooring, and a shower seat, to make the bathroom accessible for all users.

By implementing these design considerations, you can transform a small bathroom in a unit or apartment block into a stylish, functional, and comfortable space. Careful planning and smart choices will help you make the most of your limited space while creating a bathroom that meets your needs and reflects your style.


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